Poornima Aarohan, the annual event presented by the Poornima Group of Colleges, is a celebration themed "Fictional Spectra: The World of Animated Characters." It promises a lively blend of innovation and culture, offering an uplifting experience to all attendees.
Poornima Aarohan, the annual event presented by the Poornima Group of Colleges, is a celebration themed "Fictional Spectra: The World of Animated Characters." It promises a lively blend of innovation and culture, offering an uplifting experience to all attendees.
Poornima Group of College's annual fest, AAROHAN, is set to begin on March 14th. Students can participate in a variety of technical, cultural, and sporting activities during the festival.
Overall, AAROHAN promises to be a fun and exciting event for Poornima Group students, with something for everyone. We anticipate a large turnout and a memorable event for all attendees.